Saturday, October 17, 2009


Foggy Fall morning in western Pennsylvania.

And  cute little teddy bears in sweaters.

And now I am off to do some knitting homework. Just got a call from Stacey at Knit One where I teach. Can I teach Melissa Morgan-Oakes 2-at-a-Time sock technique? Well, I have never knit 2-at-a-Time socks but I am pretty comfortable with sock knitting. I bought her book recently but haven't had the spare time to give it a test drive. Melissa's at Rhinebeck so I hope I can reach her on Facebook if I get lost along the way. Her directions look very clear and I am thrilled to curl up with a great knitting book and learn a new skill. It's cold, rainy and so, the prefect day for baking (pumpkin bread) and knitting tiny socks.

Have a nice weekend everyone.

1 comment:

our friend Ben said...

You, too, Heidi! Is that gorgeous pond yours? I hope so! It's miserable and grey here in Eastern PA too, as you say a great day for knitting and hot pumpkin bread (though I'm contemplating curried pumpkin soup instead) and tea or hot mulled cider! Have fun with your socks!---Silence